Vulcan Industrial Engg. Co. Ltd. -
- Shovel Parts
- Dragline Parts
- Drill Parts
- Industrial Gears
- Drilling Accessories
Drilling accessories designed for use in Water Well and Mineral Exploration are illustrated in this brochure and are manufactured
to the highest international standards. Vulcan Industrial Engineering Co. Ltd. is an ISO 9001 company manufacturing
Drilling accessories for last three decades. Vulcan manufactures a complete range of Drilling Accessories for Open Pit Mines such as
Drill Pipe, Drill Collars, Rotary Kellys, Stabilizers, Deck Bushings and Rotary Subs. The concept of open pit rotary blast-hole drilling
has been adopted by numerous underground operations. Vulcan offers specially designed drill pipes in shorter length. The design
takes into consideration important aspects such as torque requirement and weight factor.
Rotary drilling method of boring ventilations shafts, manways and other mine operations is an important development in the safety
and economy of underground operations. Vulcan is associated in this critical operation by supplying a host of drilling accessories to
meet the requirement of the mine.