Supplying Spare parts for Mining, Oil and Gas, Industries,Construction Equipment!!!
Kozhamkulov str., 225, Almaty,
Republic of Kazakhstan
Курс валют доллара евро рубля в Казахстане

"CableSafe/Westmark BV"

"СTP Equipment"  is an official distributor of CableSafe / Westmark BV Company in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries.

CableSafe is a specialized engineering company (part of Westmark). It consists of a group of engineers with 40+ years of operational experience in the oil and gas, chemical, construction and power generating industry. Manufacturing takes place in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany and the USA.

Westmark started in 1991 as manufacturer of the CableSafe Safety Hook. Westmark is specialized in Cable Safety, Cable Managment, Confined Space Safety and Dropped Object Prevention. All  safety products are engineered in North America or the EU, guaranteeing reliability and quality.

For more information about the company's products, visit the official website

Specification Sheet: 180928 CableSafe Dropped Object Prevention


Our production:

Защитные магнитные маты

Dropped Object Prevention Mat.

Кабельный мост

Cable Bridge.

Кабельный защитный коврик

Cable Guards.

ПРедохранительный крюк

Preventing slips, trips & falls Safety Hook.

Защита входа в замкнутое пространство

 Confined Space Entry Protection.

Общая система входа в ограниченное пространство

Total Confined Space Entry System.

Защита от острых углов

Sharp Edge Corner Protect.

Kjzhamkulov str., 225, Almaty,
Republic of Kazakhstan